Introduction to Financial Planning

In this video, we explain the basics of financial planning as perceived in the social and legal system in Canada and more specifically, in Quebec. Two words will be important to keep in mind throughout the process: « optimize » and « popularize ». Popularize here referring to the simplification of certain financial terms so that the customer can rightly understand the actions that will be possible to carry out in the near or distant future.

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Who is Denis Bourque?

As you can imagine, Denis Bourque is first and foremost a financial planner, but also: financial security advisor, mutual fund representative, group insurance advisor and group annuity advisor.

Various functions that allow him today to help advise clients in the best possible way on everything surrounding the financial community.

Planico: What is it?

Planico is a financial services firm that offers financial planning services. They are now able to help their clients with life insurance, salary insurance, disability insurance, investments and segregated funds.

In parallel, they also act at the level of mutual funds, banks or management companies.

What are the advantages of bundling these services?

The goal is to be able to be a distribution center for different customers. By having a person for placement, insurance or group insurance, some professionals present a real difficulty in communicating well with each other in order to achieve a single client objective.

Planico then serves as a bridge between the various financial professionals and your person (or your company) so that you are sure to take the best solutions according to the situation

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