An expert in financial planning for advantageous insurance strategies!

Making the necessary arrangements to deal with unexpected situations is a useful strategy and to be realized no matter when in your life you are. You are young, healthy and at the peak of your career, you are at the very beginning of setting up a company that represents a life project, you are a few years away from your retirement or already retired for years? No matter what stage you are at, insurance strategies are solutions to adopt at all costs to live better while preserving your assets. Planico is a financial planner who has the necessary skills to effectively support you in the implementation of advantageous insurance strategies. What services does Planico offer in Montreal and its surroundings in terms of insurance strategies and why subscribe to them?

On what basis are the insurance strategies set up by your expert in Montreal established?

Insurance Strategy

In order to offer you tailor-made solutions that meet all your needs and objectives, Planico provides you with specialized skills capable of determining with accuracy and professionalism the insurance strategies that will best suit your portfolio.

This financial planning professional offers you in Montreal and its surroundings useful financial solutions while taking into consideration a large number of present and future factors. The economic situation, your age, your professional profile, your assets and your expectations among others are taken into account.

What are the advantages offered by a well-realized pension plan?

By opting for the services of an expert to carry out a tailor-made insurance strategy with regard to life insurance, credit insurance or health insurance to name but a few, you are sure to guarantee yourself good financial security. This will take into account the adequate protection of your property, your loved ones as well as your various investments in different areas.

What coverages does your expert offer?

The insurance strategies developed by your expert in Montreal can be grouped into several groups. Your expert could therefore direct you to one type of insurance or another depending on your profile and your expectations.

Disability, health and long-term medical insurance

Critical Illness Insurance

Professional life is littered with unforeseen events and situations that can permanently undermine your serenity by making you plunge into great precariousness. Accidents at work or situations of serious illness are therefore at the heart of the solutions sought and implemented as insurance strategies. Thus, disability insurance concerns workers and intervenes in the event of loss of income due to disability.

Health insurance, on the other hand, makes it possible to support the patient by providing cash or by paying his medical bills in Montreal or elsewhere. This insurance helps you deal with all situations caused by critical illness.

Also in the register of diseases, care insurance allows workers suffering from illnesses and requiring long-term care to benefit from home care or installation of medical equipment and home redevelopment.

Individual life insurance

This type of insurance takes into account a wide range of benefits. For example, it intervenes at the time of your death by covering the costs related to the organization of your funeral. This type of insurance can also cover assistance with the payment of your children’s tuition fees, supplement your retirement income, help with the estate transfer of a company, take care of a dependent and much more.

Credit insurance

It concerns the repayment of your debts at the time of your death. This insurance makes it possible to relieve your inheritances and honor your commitments even after your departure.

Planico: tailor-made insurance strategies and more in Montreal and the surrounding area

In addition to offering you many insurance strategies, Planico in Montreal and its surroundings offers several other services to take care of your finances whether you are an individual or a company. Financial strategies, retirement and succession planning, and tax analysis and decisions are all areas supported by your experts in Montreal and the surrounding area.

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