Denis Bourque Pl.Fin., B.A.A.

Greater Montreal Financial Planner

Greater Montreal Financial Planner

Denis Bourque Pl.Fin., B.A.A.

Denis Bourque, founder of Planico, is known for his expertise in taxation and financial strategies for entrepreneurs, consultants, healthcare professionals, and investors.

Financial Planner in Montreal and surroundings. Your interests, goals and success are my priority, whether it’s corporate, personal, insurance or investment financial planning. You will fall in love with my proactive and objective transparent approach to establishing your financial planning strategies.

An action plan facilitates implementation.

Plan and Prosper

Without financial planning, it is much more difficult to take action. In the Greater Montreal, North Shore and Suid Shore region, with individuals and entrepreneurs, our extensive experience in the financial field will allow you to achieve your goals more easily and quickly. And this in a clear, proactive and transparent way. 

The impact of a financial planner in your life

Deux chaises longues sous un parasol sur une plage tranquille avec vue sur la mer, représentant une retraite paisible.

A Well-Deserved Retirement

You deserve the serene and peaceful retirement you dream of. Without the establishment of a suitable financial strategy, it is practically impossible to achieve this.  With the analysis of your situation and your objectives, it will be much easier to plan your future, to obtain a tailor-made financial and disbursement plan in order to optimize the tax efficiency of your portfolio.

Femme ajustant son casque de sécurité, symbolisant la préparation et la protection contre les imprévus.

Anticipating the Unexpected

The unexpected is part of life (disability, critical illness, death, etc.). By taking advantage of the expertise of our financial services firm, we can protect ourselves and minimize the impacts of these. With Planico, you can take advantage of our large network of partners (IA Financial Group and PPI Insurance and Investment) which gives you access to personalized coverage adapted to your needs.

Groupe de professionnels en costumes d'affaires discutant autour d'un ordinateur portable.

Group Insurance

Without employees, your business can suffer. It is important to take care of them as they take care of you, in order to ensure their retention. Group insurance has many benefits for the well-being, health and performance of your employees. So that you can keep them and they are happy to stay, offer them the coverage adapted to their needs with Planico’s partners.

Who are we?

Results in achieving your PERSONAL financial goals.

Planico’s expertise,

– President, B.A.A. and Financial Planner.

I help entrepreneurs and professionals who do not have the time or expertise to carefully and strategically take care of their personal and corporate finances.

Without working together with a financial planner, it will be difficult for you to get through all the complexity related to your finances (as much in legal, estate, tax, financial, retirement and protection) Do not worry, you are not alone.

Call on an external professional who will analyze your situation from a different angle and advise you accordingly. 

“My mission is to help entrepreneurs and professionals equip themselves with the best possible financial strategies in order to protect, grow and enjoy their wealth. Having been an entrepreneur all my life, I have discovered that it is essential and much more effective to surround ourselves with qualified professionals to help us avoid multiple very costly mistakes in the business world.”

Maybe you’ve dealt with a Financial Planner or Financial Security Advisor in the past, but quickly realized that the after-sales service didn’t live up to the promises you received. I totally understand you.

The simplest, most effective and least expensive solution is to contact us and schedule a strategic meeting with one of our qualified advisors who will guide you in a transparent, objective and proactive way.

I would like to introduce you to Planico Financial Services Firm. Where transparency, objectivity, proactivity and results are at the rendezvous. Finally, a cabinet that is true.


Planico Financial Services

Personal or corporate financial planning? Insurance needs? Whatever your goals, adopting a global vision will allow us to build the tailor-made strategy that will meet your needs. We serve our customers in the Montreal, North Shore and South Shore areas.

Main plaçant une pièce en bois sur une structure, représentant la planification et la construction d'un projet.

Financial planning

Tout commence par un rêve. Tout objectif sans plan n’est qu’un souhait. Un rêve muni d’un plan devient atteignable. La planification financière est une démarche qui vous permettra de vous rendre à destination plus efficacement, en toute sécurité et plus rapidement. Tout comme le GPS vous aide à voyager, le planificateur financier vous guide au travers de l’établissement de votre projet.

Main empilant des pièces d'or, représentant la croissance des investissements.


Saving is good, but investing is better. When you save without investing, it’s just like spending. Inflation will take over at some point. Luckily for you, our multiple investment options will allow you to grow your money, achieve your goals, realize your projects and enjoy your retirement peacefully.

Personne tenant un parapluie beige, représentant la protection et la sécurité.


Protect yourself and minimize the impacts of the unexpected with insurance. As a doctor would tell you, prevention is better than cure. Take advantage of our extensive network of partners who give you access to almost all the protections available on the market. Your financial planner can advise you on finding the right coverage that meets your needs.

Figurines sous un parapluie beige, représentant la protection des assurances collectives.

Group Insurance

Without employees, your business can suffer. It is important to take care of them, and to ensure their retention. Group insurance has many benefits for the well-being, health and performance of your employees. Group insurance is also very useful to keep your best employees and hire your future rare pearls.

Proud partner of

Thanks to our large network of partners, you will be able to benefit from products that will meet your specific needs.

Let’s get to know each other first and foremost.

What our customers think of us



7171 Rue Jean-Talon Est Bureau 300, Montreal

4.6 10 reviews

  • Avatar Sébastien Houde ★★★★★ il y a 2 mois
    Après quelques insatisfactions auprès des institutions financières, j’ai décidé de faire appel aux services de Planico. J’aime beaucoup leur approche humaine, terre à terre et transparente. C’est essentiel pour moi d’avoir un canal de communication … More efficace et c’est le cas avec Denis et Catherine. Je recommande fortement.
  • Avatar Max Lucchesi ★★★★★ il y a un an
    Pourquoi ai-je choisi de travailler avec Denis, après avoir confié mes intérêts à des grandes institutions pendant plusieurs années? Parce-que finalement j’ai trouvé un professionnel à l’écoute de mes besoins et de ceux de ma famille et … More avec qui nous pouvons parler aisément. Denis est toujours disponible, patient, extrêmement organisé et compétant.
    Depuis maintenant plusieurs années, Denis est, pour ma famille et moi-même, le point de référence pour tous nos besoins en matière de la gestion des finances et des assurances. Un seul interlocuteur pour toutes nos exigences…ceci est définitivement une grande valeur ajoutée pour nous!
    Bref, si vous cherchez un professionnel en planification financière, assurances, placements vous allez découvrir en Denis une personne dévouée et de confiance, capable de s’ajuster à ses clients et à leur niveau d’aisance.
    Au nom de ma famille je tiens à vous recommander Denis!
  • Avatar Karina Cyr ★★★★★ il y a un an
    Après avoir eu d'autres expériences antérieures un peu désolantes, Denis nous a enfin permis de voir clair avec nos objectifs financiers et de retraite. Il a su nous présenter les options les plus bénéfiques pour notre situation et … More parfois, le fait de faire certains changements dans notre portefeuille ou en assurances peut faire une grande différence en $$$. Je vulgariserais son offre de service par: Très attentionné sur les besoins de chacun, disponible et orienté service-client. Je recommande!
  • Avatar Olivia Castellaz ★★★★★ il y a 3 mois
    Nous sommes trés satisfait des services de Planico. Je recommande pour tous ceux qui veulent un avenir avec une bonne santé financiere.
  • Avatar Claudine Blanchard ★★★★★ il y a 2 ans
    Denis est un planificateur financier attentionné, sympathique et compétent. C'est toujours un plaisir de le rencontrer pour discuter de nos besoins. Avec lui, les choses sont claires et simples.
  • Avatar Jamie Blunt ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    Excellent service, est allé au-delà.